Creating an e-learning: clear step-by-step plan

Creating an e-learning is becoming more and more popular. More people are starting to realize that learning new skills at home works like a charm. Whether it’s yoga, cooking or obtaining the right diplomas and certificates: a proper e-learning module seems to fit in well to the tight-packed schedule of the average person. 

Obviously, this makes it the perfect moment in time to create your own e-learning course! Perhaps you have taught physically before, and now you figured it’s time to look at the online possibilities. Maybe you have never taught before, but you’ve gained valuable knowledge that you want to share with a worldwide audience. Whatever your background: in this blog, we are sharing with you the five steps you need in order to create your own successful e-learning! 

Step 1: Which medium to pick?

E-learning opens a realm of possibilities: How will you display your knowledge? There are many ways and platforms to choose from, such as blogs, podcasts or videos. AudiencePlayer obviously prefers videos. Videos are more effective, easier to follow and will keep your attention longer and more easily. Do you want your users to actually learn something? In that case, go for videos when you’re creating your e-learning content! It’s always possible to expand this with written content. 

Look at the options that AudiencePlayer has to offer for creating your online training here >>

Step 2: What are your users learning?

In order to properly set up your e-learning module, you need to understand what it is you want your users to learn. You can divide this into two subcategories: know and can. Below you can find the questions that you can ask yourself in order to create that great quality e-learning content. 


  • What does a user know after following your online learning?
  • What type of information do you offer that can’t be found anywhere else on the internet?
  • What level of knowledge do you offer?


  • What is a user able to do after finishing your e-learning course?
  • What is a user able to do with the skills they’ve picked up?
  • How is a user able to translate the theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge?

Step 3: A clear structure

This is quite the underrated part of a successful online course: make sure you offer a clear structure with content that’s easy to grasp. People’s attention span isn’t really that long when it comes to online content. So make sure to use small modules! It’s more preferable to go with four 15-minute e-learning sessions that one entire hour filled with content. This lowers the threshold for people to continuously follow your online course. 

Step 4: Filming and going online!

We get it: you want to go online as quickly as possible. However, it’s smart to take that step back before putting your content online. Make sure that everything really makes sense and that you’ve really gone for quality rather than quantity.

Each online user follows a unique learning process and is on a different level than some others. This makes it important to really sit down for a moment with a storyboard and friend who is not quite as informed about the subject you want to teach others about. Is everything easy to follow and more importantly, does it really make sense? If yes, then it’s time to upload your videos!

Step 5: Marketing, marketing, marketing!

Congratulations, your online course is finished and it’s well put together. Great! But then comes the question: How are people able to find  your online course? Marketing is inevitable in this case, making sure that people are actually able to find your online course amongst all others on the internet.

Thankfully, we have the answer at AudiencePlayer for all entrepreneurs that want to create online courses. We will help you to create your own video platform! It may sound complicated, but it really is not. Why? Because AudiencePlayer uses automated marketing funnels, which you can easily and directly use for your own e-learning platform.

Our read-to-use templates are SEO-proof, focused on reaching sales, and optimized for computer, tablet and mobile devices. Our customers vary from large (online) cinemas to small yoga studios. With a wide range of possibilities, we will make sure that your online e-learning turns into a big success!

Find here how we can help you create your own e-learning!