Sell Online Course: A step-by-step guide

Sell online course. Take a moment to think about which skills, talent, knowledge and attributes you have, which you can then again sell to other people. How do I turn my talent into profit?

With the rise of the internet, this has become a lot easier than ever before. It’s easy to offer a course online: think about languages courses like DuoLingo, online yoga, online physical therapy exercises and a lot more! E-learning sale has become more and more popular over the years and is really becoming the future of learning. It’s a lot better suited for the busy schedule of the average person. This is because “online” isn’t bound to things such as time and location. Users are able to use these courses when, and whenever they want and don’t have to physically go anywhere in order to follow them. 

To summarize: offline learning is slowly becoming a relic of the past. Are you interested in making money with your courses? Make sure you are offering it on an online platform! In this blog, we will give you all the ins and outs of creating and selling your online learning course.

Step 1: Determine your USP’s

Well, since you’ve found this blog, you must know what your special talent is and what exactly it is that you want to sell. These fundamental steps will be skipped for now, and we will look at what it is that makes you unique. Do you have the best prices? Are you the only seller of this particular product on the market? Is your range of products the most complete?

Make sure to put these points on paper. This is after all your road to profit. It’s smart to remember that there’s plenty of competitors out there, so make sure to ask yourself the question: “How do I differ from others out there?” 

Creating an online course

Great! You have set up the bones of your online course! Now all you really need to do is create the online course itself. Make sure to present your knowledge in a way that fits with your target audience. We’ve learned that using a video platform is usually the best way! People prefer to learn via video than by written text. Create a proper flow for your videos and make sure to think about your target audience:

  • What initial knowledge do they have before starting the course?
  • Is there a set order in which users have to watch the videos?
  • How much time does your audience want to spend watching each part?

Your online course does not have to be complicated in order to go live. One thing that’s smart to do, however, is guaranteeing new users of a certain planning. This way, users knows what to expect on a long term basis. 

Online course platform

Do you have enough video content in order to go live? Then consider choosing an online course platform. Obviously it’s a possibility to just go ahead and create something with WordPress , but most of the time, these websites aren’t optimized for the sales of online courses and trainings. Your users won’t be happy with a non-user friendly website. They want to know straight away what it is they are buying and where they can find it. 

So in the end, it’s smart to choose a program that actually is optimized for this, such as AudiencePlayer. AudiencePlayer is a type of software that lets you create an online video platform in no time. Besides that, it has many extra benefits, such as:

  • Choice of your own revenue model
  • The ability to use effective templates for converting pages
  • Direct access to the viewing behavior of your users

And all of this is possible without any technical knowledge yourself. Do you have an amazing business idea? Feel free to pitch it to us, so that we can help you out! >>