Fit at Home Smart TV app with AudiencePlayer

Launch Smart TV apps with AudiencePlayer

Reach your audience in the most central place in the living room.

Smart TV apps are popular in use. Video consumption via smart TV has grown exponentially from 2020 onwards. Technological advancements and expansion in use have put the smart TV more firmly at the center of the "connected" living room than ever before.

Marketers who think that mobile is the most important screen realize that it becomes necessary to incorporate a TV strategy into a marketing plan.

In the AudiencePlayer management environment you set up a TV app with components and elements that we have built especially for the big TV screen.

Unique features for smart TV apps

Connect accounts smart TV apps AudiencePlayer

Connect accounts

After opening a smart TV app for the first time, users can link their account via the website in a user-friendly way.

Continues watching

Start watching on your mobile and continue watching on your TV. Our so-called "continues watching" technology remembers where users left off on all screens.


Select which videos you want to watch with the cross navigation on your remote control and make them favorite.
Smart search smart TV apps AudiencePlayer
Users can easily search for videos within the smart TV app via the standard smart keyboard of the TV.
Smart TV brands support AudiencePlayer


AudiencePlayer supports the most popular TV brands worldwide, such as Samsung, LG and TP Vision.


On the dashboard in the AudiencePlayer management environment you will find all kinds of data about viewing behavior via the TV screens.

Ready to expand your video platform to smart TV?

Start your own video platform now