Sell video online: how do you do it?
03 februari 2021 

Sell video online: how do you do it?

Sell video online. More and more people are making money by selling video content. With video content you can think of films and series, but also  online master classes, tutorials and sports lessons. In the latter case, you sell a service, but in video form. In other words, instead of being a sports teacher in a gym, you are a sports teacher on the internet.

Anyone can easily make money with videos, but you need to know where to start!

Determine your product of service

If you ended up on this blog, you probably already have an idea what you want to sell. Think of training, entertainment, knowledge sharing, etc. Perhaps you have previously had a company that offered a service, and can you offer this in video form?

The most important thing to remember is that you have to create value to your target audience! Who do you want to sell your videos to? How will you reach them?

Sell video online

YouTube or own platform?

Then you have to make the choice: are you going to sell your content on YouTube, or on your own video platform? You can certainly make money with YouTube, with enough subscribers of daily viewers you can make money with the ad revenue of your channel. Also, many YouTubers choose to make money via affiliate marketing (brand deals, etc.).

An alternative is your own video platform. This may sound complex, but it is actually very easy.

Just see your own video platform as a kind of webshop, but instead of a product or service you sell your videos. Your own video platform has a number of advantages compared to a YouTube channel:

  • You can built a relationship with your target audience
  • You can determine your own payment plan (with pay-per-view, subscriptions, credits and more)
  • You do not lose any revenue to YouTube

Setting up your own video platform is just as easy as your own webshop. Need help? We at AudiencePlayer are happy to help you!

Sell video online: Put your platform online!

Once you set up your platform and have your video content, you can go live! See how your platform is catching on. With success you can expand to smart TV apps, fine-tune your content and adjust your strategy.

Congratulations, you can now make money with videos!