YouTube vs. Vimeo vs own video hosting service: what are your options?
18 juni 2021 

YouTube vs. Vimeo vs own video hosting service: what are your options?

YouTube vs. Vimeo vs your own video hosting service. OK, so by now you must understand that video isn’t just the future, but also the present. Everything is being digitized. Newspapers have turned into online newspapers, books are now audio files and courses and trainings are being streamed to your television with just a click of a button. So if there is one thing that’s for sure, it’s that video is growing in popularity and it isn’t going anywhere. 

There are several options for you to host your videos. One of the most popular ones is YouTube, but apart from that one, there are also some lesser-known ones available. Vimeo is smaller, but this doesn’t make it less usable. Then there is also a third option, more convenient for profit sake. For example, do you want to make money with videos, but don’t prefer using ads? Then there’s not many options available at YouTube and Vimeo. Own video hostings sites offer more options in this case. 

So who emerges as the big winner in the battle of Youtube versus Vimeo versus Own Video Hosting? You read all about it in this blog!


Let’s just start with the biggest online video platform (OVP out there: YouTube. With a whopping two billion users, YouTube takes the lead. Does this mean that YouTube is the standard choice for your video content? Unfortunately, no. YouTube does come with certain restrictions as a video hosting service. It’s mostly limited when it comes to making profit. 

These are some of the biggest pros and cons:


  • Giant platform
  • Very user-friendly


  • Profit only available by using ads, which makes it mostly suitable for top content creators
  • A big margin of your profits will be going straight to YouTube


Vimeo is like the lesser known little brother of YouTube. It focuses more on the professional video creators out there, offering more protection to the videos once they’re online. Some of these video can only be watched with the use of a password.


  • Better video protection: people aren’t able to just download and watch your videos


  • Smaller platform
  • Still little opportunities in trying to make money with your videos, besides ads

Own all-in-one video platform

It’s possible to start your own video platform! It might sound a little intimidating, but it is still more profitable than you think. This is due to the fact that the e-learning business is thriving! As we mentioned before, video isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. This makes right now the best time to start your own platform, as an alternative to YouTube. With effective landing pages, marketing techniques and templates, you might not be able to reach two billion people, but you will still be able to reach your own niche target audience. 


  • Your own revenue model
  • User-friendly
  • Fully customizable, with your own input and effective web design


  • Small platform/niche 
  • You’re the only one placing videos on the platform (it’s not a video sharing platform)

YouTube vs. Vimeo vs. your own video hosting and streaming service

This does make this personal video platform the perfect choice for workout and yoga trainers, and online courses, movie distributors, online trainings etc. 

Are you curious to hear more about the endless possibilities? Have a look at our homepage for more information!